Netflix’s Christmas Surprise Flops: Why NFL Stars Refused to Bite Into the Streaming Giant’s Festive Football Cakes, Sparking a Buzz Online!

After a day full of Christmas football, Netflix brought dessert.

Lamar Jackson, Derrick Henry refuse to eat Netflix game ball cake

The only problem is, almost no one wanted to eat it.

As part of their Player of the Game awards to the likes of the Chiefs’ Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce and the Ravens’ Derrick Henry and Lamar Jackson, the Netflix broadcast awarded them custom Santa-inspired sideline coats and football-shaped cakes.

Of the four NFL stars, only Kelce partook in the postgame snack following the Chiefs’ 29-10 win over the Steelers in Pittsburgh, one that clinched the AFC title for Kansas City


Travis Kelce bit the football-shaped cake, even if Patrick Mahomes wasn't game to do the same.

Travis Kelce bit the football-shaped cake, even if Patrick Mahomes wasn’t game to do the same. Netflix

“Tastes very red velvety, it’s spot on,” he said on the Netflix broadcast on the heels of an eight-catch, 84-yard performance that came with a touchdown. “It’s good. I’m gonna take this to the locker room and get some victory cake.”

Mahomes opted out — but offered some up for the man in charge.

“I’m watching my weight for playoffs, I’m watching my weight,” he said with a smile. “Coach [Andy] Reid is ready for it, I’m gonna take it to him.”

Jackson and Henry treated the cake almost like a hot potato, trying to get the other to take a bite.

Ravens' Lamar Jackson, Derrick Henry refuse to eat Netflix football cake in  awkward moment | Fox News

“Red velvet?” Jackson asked Netflix reporter Jamie Erdahl, who earlier in the broadcast revealed that she had tried the cake the day before when it was frozen, but not after it had been in the Houston heat for a few hours.

“Does that mean you want to take a bite?” she asked.

“No,” the quarterback responded.

After coercing Erdahl to take a bite, Jackson offered up some conflicting excuses as Henry egged him on.

Jamie Erdahl couldn't convince Derrick Henry nor Lamar Jackson to try a bite.

Jamie Erdahl couldn’t convince Derrick Henry nor Lamar Jackson to try a bite. Netflix

“I’m full!” he said. “I need to eat real food and THEN dessert.”

Whatever the Ravens stars did end up eating, they deserved it after their 31-2 thrashing of the Texans in Houston.

Jackson completed 10 of his 15 pass attempts for 168 yards and two touchdowns, adding another 87 yards and a score on the ground — further cementing his MVP case and becoming the NFL’s career rushing record for quarterbacks in the process — before he spent the majority of the fourth quarter on the sideline, watching backup Josh Johnson take the reins.

As for Henry, the running back posted 147 rushing yards with a touchdown, plus two receptions for 18 yards.

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